I have loved working with the teams that I've been privileged to be a part of.
Here's what I've learned about working within a team... so far.
Good teams are good listeners.
Poor teams are filled with talkers.
Have you ever needed to talk about something and felt like you didn't have the opportunity to fully express yourself because the listener jumped in with their own thoughts too soon? Around the team table, it's important to Listen first, Process next, and then Share if appropriate. Good teams are filled with people that operate in this way. Poor teams have discussions where everyone is trying to get their own two-cents-worth in; each person is waiting for a pause so they can speak. This leads to a rapid-fire discussion that lacks wisdom and knowledge. Instead, it is filled with instant feedback that hasn't been processed or filtered. Things are easily said that speakers wish could be taken back; of course, they can not.
Good teams are open to new ideas.
Poor teams keep doing the same things.
In order for an idea to become a great idea, it takes time and process. If you share an idea with your team and it is shot down right away, everyone will quickly learn that this is not a safe place to bring forth new thoughts. As a result, this team will continue to do the same things and continue to get similar results. A good team will hear a thought or idea with open minds and develop it together. The result is shared ownership of the new idea which can be implemented together as a team. Powerful!
Good teams share their feelings openly.
Poor teams smile and nod, but disagree.
While being open to new ideas is a good thing, the team discussion table ought to be a place where members can voice their feelings, thoughts and concerns openly and respectfully. An honest discussion should take place whenever needed, on whatever topic and regardless of who brought the topic up. This safety and openness will allow the team to find common ground that each member can support. Poor teams feel they can't say what they really think at the initial discussion. As a result, side conversations take place that oppose the decision made resulting in a lack of support for team directions. The problem is that not everyone knows because outwardly, at least, support has been given. The resulting problem is that no one actually trusts that team decisions are... well, team decisions.
Good teams share successes.
Poor teams compete.
If a successful project leads to the the glorification of one team member, you're likely working in a highly competitive team culture. If success is celebrated as a team, you're likely working in a cooperative team culture. It's great to have a 'lead' on a project, and it's important to encourage, help, and celebrate that leader, but primarily within the team. A team that is competing for praise is a dangerous place to operate. First, praise from others is a temporary high. A solid team member is working from their own passions resulting in instrinsic rewards for a job well done: I believe in this cause --> This success is helping to change the world --> I feel good about this because I've helped change the world. Second, if praise from others is a primary objective, praise given to others becomes threatening. Is this a team culture you want to be a part of?
Good teams are moving with ease; they fly!
Poor teams drag and grind.
A solid team finds a rhythm and starts to fly. This team is filled with competent, confident leaders who operate with impecable character in all situations. When mistakes are made, they are addressed openly and dealt with as a team. There is safety to share openly because each team member knows without a doubt that every member has each other's back, as it were. The result is a team that operates like a well-oiled machine. When people leave this team, they leave with good memories and powerful learning and experiences under their belt. Poor teams don't experience any of these benefits. Instead, the simplest of tasks feels like a chore. There aren't many consistencies in their practice and they function as separate islands that come together for weekly meetings. These teams operate like gears grinding against each other as opposed to well-oiled machine parts working in sync with each other.
To be a good team member I need to listen, share, speak openly, bring and embrace ideas and work together with my mates towards our common goals. Whether it's selling tooth brushes or starting a movement, together is better than solo.
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